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Unread 09-01-2006, 02:30   #2
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 136

The entire debate regarding pubs merely reflects the sheer lack of alterbative pastimes and social outlets in much of Ireland. The high prices charged by Pubs are also a three way conundrum, with three groups of pigs scoffing at a very lucrative trough.

1. The state. Given a guaranteed revenue stream through high excise duties. The Irish state is even more addicted to alcohol than the Irish public. Some 10% of Irish Government revenue comes from VAT and Excise duty on liquor.

In such an environment, it is not in their interests to act in the interests of the Irish people. It is not in their interests to take care of their health and take measures to reduce alcohol consumption, or switch consumption patterns in Pubs, Nightclubs and restaurants.

2. The Breweries. High excise duties ensure that we have poor quality beer from three main suppliers. Take Smithwicks for example. Its vile. Budweiser. I would'nt feed it to a dog. These are effectively a cartel in a small open economy like Ireland. A publican gets supplied by Beamish, Diageo or Murphys. You try anything else.....good luck, you don't get supplied.

3. The publicans. The VFI are a cartel. It cannot be proven. Its like the third secret of Fatima, we all know its there, but its existence cannot be proven.

There is no doubt that Ireland has an unhealthy attitude to alcohol. England however, is even worse. Ireland is taking proactive measures to change attitudes, which will take a few years to manifest themselves. The smoking ban was a good start. From personal experience the addiction to alcohol and tobacco go hand in hand. They go well together. Nothing quite like it.

And I can knock back the sauce quite a bit. I hope I know how to handle it most of the time.
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