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Unread 01-10-2006, 17:42   #5
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 43

The 16:25 stops at "commuter towns" because there is a demand for it to do so - a massive one at that. I've gotten it a few times now and the train is a third empty by the time it leaves Newbridge. If this train didnn't service these towns, then the other commuter services would be under even greater pressure. I once got the 17:18 Heuston - Newbridge. It was a railcar and was really packed. People were standing everywhere, there was no room at all, the ticket inspecter didn't even bother doing his rounds - or else he didn't get as far as me. If the Inter City services stopped serving Newbridge and other commuter towns then things would just get worse - not a solution.
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