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Unread 04-04-2007, 23:04   #20
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Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp View Post
If there are no incidents I'd be surpriseed if it isnt taped over within two days.

Your greatest difficulty is proving this train was early. Remember, all IE have to do is prove the TVM was working that day, hey presto you're gone.

Even if it was early... Maynooth line.... its hardly as if the next train was at 18.00 was it?

This depends on which Judge you get. Dont be intimidated by Mr Byrnes. You may get a fine or you may get lucky, dont forget District Court Judges get the train too, and suffer the various problems associated with them, god knows they may also have been in a similar situation. This is a point Mr Byrnes should consider when he reads this thread as well as the fact that you're not the usual sort of fare-doging character we find in the District Court.

At this moment i would like to say hello to Rita and Hugh, two of my colleages in the CIE Solicitors Department. Hope you're kepping well.
I understand the difficulties I face in proving my case, but I'm not going to back down. I pay as much as anyone else to get the train week in and week out, to be treated like a common cri minal is an indignity I'm not willin g to accept.
I don't see how the operation of the TVM has any bearing on my situation, if the train is early regardless of how many facilities are in place to acquire a ticket, there would not have been any time to get a ticket and board the train. From the start of the dublin bound platform over the footbridge to the ticket office and back again is about 600-700m.

I can acept that there are regular trains on the maynooth line, but I also want to clarify I had an appointment and to miss this particular train would have caused me serious problems with regard to my college situation.
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