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Unread 08-08-2007, 17:01   #17
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The NRG press release is a bit much - they want free parking and they also want more footbridges and disabled access etc. If IE can't recoup this from parking charges there's only one other place it can come from and that's ticket prices. Why should the guy who walks or cycles to the railhead subsidise folk that can't be bothered, or an urban council that has no inclination to make local transit happen?

They are right on one thing - public transport is to be encouraged from door to door. Congestion is as much an issue near railheads as it is in the city centre (e.g. Clonsilla). If IE are expanding their services then a public transit service once their passenger numbers pass a threshold should be a prerequisite as a condition for their station planning applications and the responsibility should be shared between the local council(s) and IE.
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