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Unread 23-10-2007, 09:33   #4
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 75

Apologies my orig post was a little short, was posting with mobile phone. A southbound dart sat down at Raheny station just as I arrived. Reports from other passengers of Brake Dust smell, so guessing it was the locked breaks problem. Didn't go down to the platform so don't know the units.

Got the 29A bus from Raheny village at 09:19. Bus Driver was most unhelpful. Refused to accept Dart tickets as he hadn't "been informed" yet. 30 or so people with Dart tickets so not as if someone was trying to scam him. Bus AV232, reg 02D10232, no driver no. displayed. His reply to complaints on lack of integration was "integration me arse". He kept calling me kiddo and told me to stop being cheeky, which really got up my nose. Then he refused to accept any more passengers when their was only approx 70-75 on the bus. The bus is certified for 91 (15 standing downstairs). There was about 9 people standing. I gave him hasssle again and he let the remaining 2 people on. He skipped all stops till Fairview despite letting 5 people off.

It's this lack of contingency, unhelpfulness and insolence that really turns a minor problem into a complete commuter disaster.
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