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Unread 26-11-2007, 12:54   #38
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Originally Posted by constellation View Post
The lane to the canal? On part of that lane (particularly near the corner leading to the Fire Station) there is a double yellow line. Covered in muck and leaves but it is there.

Anyhow, it's a convenient way for the Guards meet their quota as it is just outside their door. And the owner of that car is probably a Guard.
No this is beside the entrance to the pay car park. I parked on the verge to the left as you come out of the car park. Have a look today another car is parked there again.

They really should be made to put a sign up. I'd a put one up for free but they would probably slap a destruction of property charge on me!!! Anyway I won't rant on about the gardai as well they are making money off us so why would they change it. And yes a garda owns the car that parked on the footpath I saw him going into the station.
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