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Unread 05-12-2007, 10:36   #23
Thomas J Stamp
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Originally Posted by sean View Post
>>> Post of the Year <<<

Hold on a second here. This is the point I'm making:

I made my way to the entrance to the platform, over which the matrix platform describer display sign said “Cork 11.00” to find the gate to the platform closed, eight minutes before the train was due to depart.
Got it? It was closed. Dosnt matter if he knows why its closed or not. It's bloody closed. He decided to open it and wander on. Correct attitude of the IE staff would be to politly tell him to go back the train isnt ready for boarding yet and be polite and mannerly at all times to him - after all he is a customer.

I don't want to know gate and departure protocol. I just want to arrive at the station, buy my ticket and get on the train.
Well you cant at Heuston. Tough titty. I want to go to Dublin Airport, buy my ticket and get on a plane without all this security and boarding pass bull****. Tough titty on me though.

There are two things here. Firstly, everyone of the staff he met were rude, arrogant and nasty. That is the fault of IE. Secondly, he was left bewildered by the gate practices of IE - that is also the fault of IE. There should have been someone at the gate, there wasnt. There usually isnt untill the time to check tickets comes around.

Give you an example: Back in October myself and Mark G were in the middle of the queue for the train to Limerick, maybe 200 ahead of us, maybe more behind us, we were past the ATM we were so far back. The train was due to leave in 5 mins and no ticket checker had arrived to open the gate and start checking. Eventually with thee mins to spare he turned up. Sometimes he'll be there 20 mins beforehand today he was late. Now, leaving aside me and MarkG knowing what was going on, there were maybe 400 people there who didnt. Did they decide to open the gate and legg it onto the train?

I'm no defender of IE, far from it. This guy was wrong to go through the gate, simple as. It dosnt distract from the absolute dogs dinner of a servie he got from the staff he encountered though. They are two seperate issues.
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