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Unread 16-01-2008, 20:00   #154
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: County louth, 6 miles from civilisation:-(
Posts: 155

IS there still no information on the final route or station layouts?

Is it too late to bully the a-holes to build a real metro system and stop D!cking us around with this underground tram milarcky?

In an ideal world, they would have announced the project with T21 and started ripping the whole city up within a few months and had it all planed out to have EVERTHING complete at the same time. Sort of a Boston Big dig thing, but hopefully not over budget and full of shoddy workmanship. Ok maybe not the Big Dig, more of an "Olympics is coming to town" kind of building frenzy. But this is Ireland, not an Ideal world
Commuting is my extra 50 minutes of sleep
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