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Unread 03-03-2008, 15:24   #5
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Yeah ... got done myself today ..... cost me €50..... fine for not having a ticket.

I usually get a monthly but completely forgot about it this morning. Only had €60 in cash ..... the conductor on the train let me off .... but in hindsight I should have bought a single and maybe try and get it back later when I buy the monthly.

I didn't even give the excuse to the guys at the desk ... my own fault .... we've had enough warnings!

But the guys in the bomber jackets are too much and while there is obviously a need for them , they should be in the background or at least try to look less intimidating. Also, perhaps they should have the same dress code as gardai ...... get rid or the earings and the ponytails .... look a bit professional. Most of the time they just wander around the station in pairs having a great ol chat about something or other (meanwhile bikes getting robbed from the car park !)
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