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Unread 11-05-2008, 00:27   #4
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Dublin
Posts: 707

The problem is this: Irish Rail needs to get over themselves.

I read, either on this forum, or on the Coolmine thread on, that it's "all stick and no carrot."

For example, do I get a discount on Sligo line travel seeing as they just made the terminal station (Connolly) into an even bigger kip than it was before? Nope.

Will the poor sods who have to put up with this haphazard mess at Coolmine get a discount or improvement in service based on the fact that A) IE's going to collection zillions of €€€s in extra fares, allegedly, and B) some people have to get to the station (depending on which side of the tracks they live on) up to 20 minutes early to catch their train?

In my F@#% they will.

All across the world, 1st rate operators run services for all purposes, long distance, local, city etc, with honour-system or conductor based structures as appropriate. And in examples ranging from the MTA Metro North and Long Island Railroads of New York, to the municipalities of Germany, to our very own Luas, they make it work, beautifully and simply without stuffing a two-way validation gate procedure in every passengers face in the worst way possible.
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