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Unread 07-08-2008, 08:44   #5
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
No clue what happened yesterday but it looks like nearly all enterprise services suffered from some class of delay

Mark unfortunately it wasn't just the enterprises but nearly all trains on the line yesterday evening. Apparently something near Dundalk got struck by lightening and all electrics, signalling etc. was down. All we were being told on the train was that there were signalling issues and that we would be back moving in 10-15 minutes, and later 20-25 minutes. It was only on talking to Connolly Station at about 10:30pm yesterday evening that we were told about the lightening etc. Connolly Station provided way more information than the staff on the train could. We were in Drogheda for near 2.5 hours, where there was no indication that we would be there that long - had there been I had three alternatives method of transport home! But because we were being told that we would be delayed 20-25 minutes I didn't want to be asking people to drive to Drogheda for me.

I agree that in general the NI staff are ok. There is one in particular who I have seen often, have not had many dealings with but he seems a pure gent and very professional. It was a pity he wasn't working last night, as I expect that he would have handled the situation a lot better than his ignorant colleague who treated the passengers with nothing but contempt.
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