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Unread 15-09-2008, 15:26   #19
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Frau Schmidt : This sign says that we must not travel without a ticket. We do not have a ticket, therefore we must not travel. The logic is in-escapable. Perhaps if there was an employee here we could buy a ticket or ask him if we mis-understand the sign but there is no employee. Gott-in-himmel, what a country.

Herr Schmidt : Let us return to the cruise ship and spend our money there.

Seriously, that poster is not a good idea. They should really put in the effort and include something to say "*unless the ticket office is closed in which case you can board the train and buy your ticket later".

It's fine for all the people who know this is the way things operate in the Peoples Republic.
In th Peoples Republic Area Metro there is always a conductor with the train who can be asked when the train arrives if he would be so kind to "permit us to board zis train as ve have kein teekets and ze offez is clozed".

Paddy in Germany: Look the ticket machine is out of order and the office closed and I can't board the fecking train without a ticket .
Paddy spots train conductor hanging out of train to blow his whistle and says "ware can i get a bleedin ticket? " "You may board ze train herr paddy and ve vill sell you einz teeket" replies conductor. "donkey shine" replies paddy

Of course when this happened too me in Holland as well the conductor promptly charged me the on train fare which was an extra 5 euros at the time
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