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Unread 09-05-2009, 19:33   #66
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 199


Is there any chance you could elaborate on this ? Any time this issue comes up you respond with partial answers like "not allowed by the rules"

Now that someone challenges that by saying rules can be changed you revert to saying who made them up and who 'owns' them now but not by addressing the issue of whether they can be changed or not.

Any chance you might enlighten the mere ordinary people out here in the real world and tell us what the major issue is, what the rule says, why it can't be changed, etc . . .

I mean, does the rule say "Announcements may not be usefull to the general populace." ? No. Does the rule say "Announcements must only refer to conditions onboard the train or related directly to the train operation" ? Maybe. That might explain why they can't tell people to have their tickets ready. For the love of Jaysus will you please put a little more effort into putting information out there rather than sending out teasers which seem designed to let people know that you know stuff they don't and you could tell them but you won't (not "can't").

For all we know they can't tell people to have their tickets ready because it might be against 'disability' regulations since some people mightn't be phyically in a position to have their tickets ready . . . it could be anything. If you know what it is would you just spell it out.

You hint at it by saying that "automatic" announcements can't say to have your ticket ready . . . what about manual announcements ?

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