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Unread 17-07-2009, 16:10   #4
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Default Some further thoughts

ThomasJ, no not at all, quite the opposite in fact - that would be another perfectly valid way of improving the service. At the moment trains from Heuston arriving in Waterford wouldn't have enough time to run to Rosslare and back but that is something that could be changed I guess. It would be attractive for people to say hop on the train in Athy, Carlow or Kilkenny etc... and have a direct run to Rosslare Strand, Wexford or the Europort.

The reason I suggested going through to Limerick and Galway was because this (Limerick/Limerick Junction) has been the ultimate destination of trains heading west from Rosslare in recent decades (and probably since the line opened?) and will allow the optimum number of through journeys opportunities. On reflection I guess another possibility would be for certain Connolly to Rosslare Europort trains to extend to Waterford.

Interestingly earlier this year whilst in Waterford I noticed the station display showed the 1734 Enniscorthy as being a service to Dublin Connolly which in a manner of speaking it is (bar the change at Enniscorthy).

In this vein I wonder could the bay platform (5) at Waterford be used for the arriving 1505 ex Heuston (arrives Waterford 1740) and the 1734 to Rosslare/Enniscorthy depart a little later (from Platform 4 (main platform)) at say 1745/1750. This would facilitate through journeys to South Wexford locations. Again not hundreds of people but a few day in day out, something worth doing for the sake of just six minutes.

I was trying to estimate (by looking) if the bay platform 5 could fit an Inter City railcar set and think it would.

I fully agree with you KSW - (I didn't mention Sligo - the Bord Snip report must have hit my subconscious!) but Sligo should be the ultimate destination. (I added this to the thread title, hope this is ok with you).

Line speeds really need to be pushed beyond the sedate 40/50mph which no longer has a place on the modern railway to 75mph/80mph and I would say ideally to 100mph. Certainly 75mph between Rosslare Europort and Waterford is ok, bearing in mind distances between stations. I haven't analysed the line in detail but where longer distances occur between stations and on sections where only select trains will serve all stations (the rest being non-stop) we really do need to push the limit too the psychological 100mph.

I realise this represents a sea change in thinking but it is the only way that a decent shift to rail will be achieved.

Last edited by Traincustomer : 17-07-2009 at 16:20. Reason: minor addition and spelling correction
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