Thread: New Timetable
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Unread 08-12-2009, 17:48   #213
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Originally Posted by PLUMB LOCO View Post
Oisin88 ..... but of course I don't know of your personal experiences.
My train is late again. The realtime timetable says that it will be 14 minutes late, which is convenient for the "statistics." Every train I have been on in the last week has had this sort of "creep lateness." All the 14 minuteses add up and it gets very irritating when you see it all coming out as 90+% on time. The fact that the journey to Tullamore could take 55 minutes, but is timetabled for 1:07, add the 14 minutes standard lateness, effectively there is an extra 50% on all of my journey times. Also, this train is fairly packed and is shaking like a 1950s jalopy on a dirt track. Also, I know when I get out late at Heuston, that I will have to queue up to show my annual ticket at the gate because (a) they haven't made the annual tickets smart card yet and (b) they seem to have given up on having people use the exit validation machines themselves.

I appreciate that by commuting out of Dublin I am not the average commuter, but think how much worse is it for the sardines packed in to the same trains going the other way. i apologise for getting irritated, but when all is said and done, I still think that the whole paper book thing is a little bit down the list of things, but I appreciate that other people have different views and like the old book system.
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