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Unread 12-02-2010, 04:34   #3
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It's all gone Pete Tong since. #ttcsleeper became #ttcshagger when it turned out the Chairman of the Transit Commission, a 32 year old city councillor who had announced a mayoral run a few days before flanked by his live-in girlfriend (sorry - partner) had been having it away with a 19 year old (and others as yet unnamed).

Cue another Twitter, Youtube and mainstream media orgasm (not to mention a WTF from an adultery matching site who got refused permission to put ads on streetcars a few weeks previous)

Suffice it to say while the issue of employee-customer interface is still on the boil, people aren't quite as focused on whipping out their smartphone to record errant drivers so much as find out the latest episode in this trainwreck.

In a way the Chairman took a bullet because if he hadn't been outed as being a langer, we might still be enraged by the local answer to Brendan Ogle, who told us among other things that we should "stop harassing" drivers (i.e. "stop snitching") and that if drivers couldn't stop buses where and when they wanted to have a slash, we'd all be responsible for a rash of urinary tract infections. I wish I was making this up.
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