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Unread 24-09-2010, 20:27   #16
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I wanted to sound out RUI members to see if others agreed. There was no great enthusiasm, and some people focused on things that could go wrong (which seems to be IR's attitude), rather than realising that the same risks must exist in every other country, but their attitude is that passengers with dogs are part of the customer base.
In most other European countries (UK excepted) people donĀ“t sue, more to the point they cant afford to. This is because the "no win, no fee" system is not allowed with lawyers. A consequence of this is if dogs bite people on the train it wont bankrupt the operator.
The amount of open unprotected diggings, scaffold without surrounds etc throughout Europe are examples of a lack of a "suing culture". Most people tend to have themselves insured including third party liability insurance.
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