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Unread 11-02-2011, 14:07   #6
Ron Burgundy
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 63

Originally Posted by huggyberry View Post
From talking to the managers on the meet the manager’s night in Huston, the biggest topic was "Can they do anything to get the conductor changed on the feeder service?"

I much prefer to use the 90 service, but constantly get the Luas, due to this mans preference for chatting to who ever will listen. Drivers, passengers, even tourist looking for directions, will get his life story, perennially delaying passengers.

The service is so much more effective when he is on a day’s leave or holidays.

I raise this now as I missed my train yesterday evening, after sitting at O’Connell bridge for 15 minutes, I intervened on his conversation with a female passenger about Eastenders and asked him when the bus might be moving?

Is there anything that can be done to get a replacement, hes ruining a good service?

I agree 100%

Morning after morning he sends empty buses off from Heuston and thn tries to cram 2 or 3 trains of people on the same bus.

In the evenings its a nightmare, just sitting at O'Connell bridge. You get a bus on Dawson st and he then takes you off the bus at O'connell bridge to sit on another bus for 10 minutes. I also have missed trains because of him.

No matter how many times i make my point to him about this i'm just ignored.

The times that the buses leave are made up in his head no matter what the time table at Heuston said.

I have heard a number of people complain but as usual with Dublin Bus and unions it will be impossible to move this "person".
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