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Unread 15-11-2011, 09:48   #1
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Default Bayside Dart Station Shutters

I noticed again this morning that one set of Bayside's shutters were down again this morning, blocking the fire exit before the turnstiles (as you exit the station).

This is something that Irish Rail do frequently - about once a week, and while its not so important at the moment as the turnstiles have still not been turned back on since the flood, in normal circumstances its quite worrying.

I have rung Irish Rail on several occasions in relation to this, and in fairness each time I do ring the do open up the shutters but they are clearly breaking the law and I am pretty fed up calling - what are my next steps?

The most irritating thing is it is their own fault for a bad station design - emergency exit doors before the turnstiles that are not alarmed mean people will use them to exit - so to force people to use the turnstiles they put the shutters down!!
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