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Unread 14-11-2013, 09:59   #185
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Originally Posted by DundalkStudent View Post
The most important thing here is that these are multi operator caps, as in you can travel on all three for max €30 (student) per week so you can mix and match your transport types. The short term obvious benefit here will be for people who are forced to combine two different types because 1 isn't sufficient to go where they need to and they're currently paying through the nose.

Obviously the longer term benefit will be potential new passengers being brought into the public transport net from their cars. If previously, combining two operators was required for where they wanted to go but the costs prohibitive, that barrier will now be removed. This will obviously happen but may take time for the benefits to come through as all marketing initiatives have innovators, early adopters, early majority, etc. and as people make lifestyle decisions based on it: house moves, job moves, etc. It can be a long process but then it's a case of rising tides lifting all boats. Stick with it Transport for Ireland!

I see IE benefitting in numbers but not necessarily in revenue as more people may spring for the train over the bus for longer parts of their journey as it is a more comfortable way to travel and it's all the same cost any way. But if max revenue is capped per each user they may not see a commensurate revenue share bump.

Is there any word on this extending to bus eireann in dublin commuter area? My friend is paying, as a student, €60 a week to go from Clane to Ballyfermot via bus eireann & dublin bus.

I'm sorry but that is highway robbery.

I pay less than that for Dundalk to the dublin south side on IE monthly.

Overall, I think this is brilliant and only 15 years behind NYC. Good on ya Mr Minister Vradkar, implementing all of this in 1 term as minister with all the previous FF wafflers talking the last 20 years and doing nothing!
I'm not sure Mr Varadkar had anything in particular to do with this.

The tenders/contracts were all signed when the previous government was in power.
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