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Unread 31-07-2018, 20:01   #3
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Originally Posted by Goods View Post
My point originated from seeing that no train met the incoming Stena ferry from France despite a host of people with signs looking for lifts to various parts of the country. If the service is not convenient why would anyone use it. Some of the departure times in the example look strage to me - Is some person going to stand around for one and a half hours waiting for a train to go?

The fact is that the running down of the connections to Rosslare did not begin today or yesterday its a continuous pattern over years. Previously Rosslare was connected to both Cork and Limerick through Waterford so the trend is clear.

Such recklessness is not the case either on the UK or the French side where rail to the ports is maintained including for freight but in IE the truck lobby is politically better connected.
That sailing arrives and departs only on three days of the week and it has completely different times each day - not exactly easy to produce a rail timetable around that and keep everyone else on the line happy. I think you’re expecting a bit much.

I think 90 mins is reasonable - that’s what’s offered at Fishguard and not far off it at Holyhead too. It allows wriggle time for ships/trains being late and for getting on and off the ship.

The fact remains that the connections at Rosslare to/from Dublin since May 2017 are substantially better than they have been for years, not worse as you are implying.

We need to be realistic too - foot passenger traffic has nosedived since Ryanair arrived - I think the connections offered now on the line to/from Dublin are as good as you’re probably going to get.

I don’t see the NTA reopening the South Wexford line at this stage unfortunately - I think that ship has sailed.

Last edited by berneyarms : 31-07-2018 at 20:06.
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