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Unread 04-04-2007, 04:12   #2
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Posts: 54

well your case ain't that great, I think its a harsh lesson for anyone who always paid at the destination when needed to fully see this is no longer true with a 50e fine. but you say it based on the fact that the train was early, you mentioned this once but didn't come back to it really at the end, how often are the trains from there, I guess early trains can be as annoying as late ones.

Is there some sort of refund for trains not on time, follow that up and perhaps this could go towards your fine.

did the 6 people behind you get fined aswell?

I thnk people get annoyed when they see no difference between fare evasion and fare neglect.

' No Ticket? Queue here' what is that booth here, shouldn't it have sign saying queue here to be fined?

as ever its the inconsistancy, didn't that guy who said he didn't see sign saying the ticket office on the other side was open get his fine recinded over on this seems like not too disimilar case although he knew the ticket office was open (although intended to pay for it at the destination) the spiteful rules are rules types would suggest he shouldn't get let off either...
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