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Unread 02-07-2007, 09:43   #6
Mark Gleeson
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It pays for itself

So IE start issuing fines, they get through as many in 4 months as in the previous 12, but fare revenue increased by 15% for the same period

Northside on the DART you are likely to meet security after dark, that said they aren't much use bar standing there. Southside I've seen security walk away from situations, they just don't care. Last Friday evening Bray board the train usual obvious groups of youths likely to be trouble, doors close, a fine selection of beer appears

Yes the transport companies will have to contribute, that said the reduction in fare evasion, vandalism and the increase in use as a result of public confidence will more than cancel it out, bare in mind most of the problems are society based not the fault of CIE or Veolia so they won't get the full bill

The most expensive single vandalism incident cost Irish Rail something like £200,000.

Its in the program for government as a direct result of Platform 11

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 02-07-2007 at 09:45.
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