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Unread 26-04-2008, 15:45   #10
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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The passenger has a reasonable expectation that they will be sold the ticket they request at the correct price, bearing in mind if Irish Rail charge above the statutory fare they are breeching various agreements and we can produce evidence that overcharging is systematic and even worse Irish management have admitted that the online system isn't programmed with all the discounts but then deny there is a problem, it gets better the website uses a different way to calculate the fares than the booking office does of course you never know which is cheaper since it works both ways

A passenger should not need to understand the workings of the ticketing system, its codes and loopholes it should just work.

It is plainly clear the clerk keyed in the wrong code and the passenger was ripped off same journey same ticket different price, Irish Rail don't deserve any slack for there appalling customer service and fares which vary depending on who sells them.

The order the stations are entered is of critical importance since the start station must be the one where the journey started from in order to ensure the correct fare is charged, few if any clerks know all the discounts and combinations so taking the lazy route can result in the wrong fare and indeed results in a ticket which is technically invalid

A huge number of fares are available in only one direction
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